Tuesday, May 20, 2008

True Uninhibitedness - The Rare Grace!

We look at a person and hesitate to open up. We think of an action and hesitate to move. What inhibits us? How can we release our creative freedom?

Deng Ming-Dao says:

Don't be inhibited. If you hold back from achieving your heart's desires, you will become bitter and frustrated. If you hold back from expressing yourself, your creativity will become impotent with timidity. Don't stop anything. Let your uniqueness flow freely.

In the beginning, one must adhere to a structure - artificial though it may be - until one attains that proper understanding to behave with uninhibited spontaneity. If people attempt to be uninhibited without actually being uninhibited, then they only look like crass clowns. Thus one must spend a certain amount of time studying structure until there is no need for structure.

By that time, one will have thoroughly absorbed the secret of moderation and one will be able to act with correctness and spontaneity. True uninhibitedness must come as a by-product of sure, fresh, and creative actions.

He concludes:

The drunk falls from the cart but is not hurt.
You throw hesitation aside but look stupid.
To be truly uninhibited is a rare grace.